JTC Yearly Performance Award in Sustainable Built Environment

The JTC Yearly Performance Award in Sustainable Built Environment is established at SIT to encourage and recognise academic excellence among students pursuing the Bachelor of Engineering with Honours in Sustainable Built Environment degree programme.

Eligibility & Selection Criteria

The candidates must meet the following criteria:

  • Pursuing a full-time Bachelor of Engineering with Honours in Sustainable Built Environment degree at SIT

  • Top Year 1 student

  • The prize will be shared equally in the event that more than one student achieves the highest score 

Benefits of the Award

Cash Prize of S$5,000

About the Donor

Since its inception in 1968, JTC has played a strategic role in ensuring Singapore stays innovative and dynamic amid global manufacturing trends.  

As a government agency under Singapore’s Ministry of Trade and Industry, JTC is paving the way forward for Singapore’s industrial landscape with sustainable, green and smart estate masterplans such as one-north, Seletar Aerospace Park, Jurong Innovation District, and Punggol Digital District. These estates attract new investment and foster collaborative ecosystems that strengthen Singapore’s position as an advanced manufacturing hub. JTC also drives innovation in the Built Environment sector by piloting new construction technologies.