Lin Shumei Book Prize in Clinical Practice Education

The Lin Shumei Book Prize in Clinical Practice Education is established at SIT to encourage and recognise excellence in clinical practice among students pursuing the Bachelor of Science with Honours in Occupational Therapy degree programme. The Occupational therapy Profession requires strong clinicians with the heart to serve and the tenacity to persevere at hard times and the hunger to keep learning and applying.  

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

The candidates must meet the following criteria:

  • Pursuing a full-time Bachelor of Science with Honours in Occupational Therapy degree programme at SIT
  • Achieved the top score in the Clinical Practice Education module
  • The prize will be shared equally in the event that more than one student achieves the highest score

Benefits of the Award

Cash Prize of S$1,500 

About the Donor

This book prize has been made possible with a gift from Dr Lin Shumei, who wishes to encourage the pursuit of excellence in clinical practice among Occupational Therapy students. Dr Lin Shumei grew up from a humble family and started working during her holidays since secondary one. Education was made possible through many bursaries and scholarships. She suffered from ill health as a child and was in and out of hospitals frequently, and that triggered her interest in healthcare. 

Dr Lin began her career as an occupational therapist in the hospital setting and later moved on to pursuing different areas such as education, research and leadership, while practicing clinical work. She believes in working hard and demonstrating the spirit of tenacity while placing faith in God. Instead of being grade-focused, she advocates for a holistic education where occupational therapy students can demonstrate the heart to serve, the humility to accept feedback and keep learning, and the drive to improve clinical practice.