Singapore Nutrition and Dietetics Association Book Prize in Nutrition Throughout the Lifespan

The Singapore Nutrition and Dietetics Association Book Prize in Nutrition Throughout the Lifespan is established at SIT to encourage and recognise academic excellence among students pursuing the Bachelor of Science with Honours in Dietetics and Nutrition degree programme.

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

The candidates must meet the following criteria:

  • Pursuing a full-time Bachelor of Science with Honours in Dietetics and Nutrition degree at SIT
  • Achieved the top score in the Nutrition Throughout the Lifespan module 
  • The prize will be shared equally in the event that more than one student achieves the highest score 

Benefits of the Award     

Cash Prize of S$400

About the Donor

The Singapore Nutrition and Dietetics Association (SNDA) is a professional organisation for Nutritionists and Dietitians, founded in 1984. SNDA promotes the advancement of nutritional science, improving relationships between Nutritionists, Dietitians and other allied health professionals. Over the years, SNDA has been active in organising continuing education events for the professional enrichment of its members. SNDA has been actively involved in organising and supporting professional meetings and seminars to facilitate learning and advancement of the profession.