In Recognition of Excellence
A feather in their caps… for the scholarship recipients at SIT’s Recognition of Excellence, a special occasion in celebration of outstanding student performance and donors’ philanthropic efforts

Not everyone can dance, even fewer can ‘cha cha’ in style and heat – which SIT’s Latin dance group, Dancesport pulled off effortlessly, kicking off the ninth edition of the Recognition of Excellence (ROE) which saw around 350 attendees and was held at SIT@Dover on 15 November. For Academic Year 2023, a total of 154 Gold Medals, Yearly Performance Awards, Outstanding Student Awards and Book Prizes were awarded to nurture student excellence. At this year’s ceremony, a total of 228 scholarships were presented.
Welcoming the afternoon’s guests, Prof John Thong, Deputy President (Academic) & Provost, SIT, thanked the donors for their steadfast and generous commitment. He noted that beyond personal prestige or academic excellence, scholarship recipients are also selected based on demonstrated leadership qualities, as well as the contributions they have made to the University and the wider community.
Ms Hazel Phua, a Digital Art & Animation student and recipient of the iSparkle Scholarship, commented, “It was a celebration and acknowledgement of the dedication and continuous efforts of the students as well as the generosity of the donors. During the event, we could interact with our donors and peers alike, listened to the stories of other students, and enjoyed both the refreshments and performances together. It was truly a meaningful event and I am beyond grateful to take part and be a part of this celebration”
In closing, Prof Chua Kee Chaing, President, SIT, remarked in appreciation, “The impact of the (donors) philanthropic leadership at SIT is both deep and wide. They have made possible more than 8,500 scholarships, student excellence awards, as well as bursaries and other forms of financial aid for our students over the past nine years. All of which are levelling playing fields, creating opportunities and opening up new vistas of possibilities for our students.” Looking forward to the new Punggol campus, Prof Chua added, “This will be the first time that the entire SIT will be under one roof. A high-tech, high-touch campus, Punggol will be a hub of innovation, designed to bridge the gap between academia, industry, and the community.”
Laughter and lively conversations punctuated the air, as donors, students and senior management conversed and tucked into the reception, while the SIT Chinese Orchestra serenaded the crowd with pleasing and nostalgic tunes, ending ROE 2023 on a high note!