Inspiring STEM education in secondary schools through SIT’s YES!Programme



SIT’s annual Young Engineers’ Space Programme (YES!Programme) was first conceived in October 2016. It aims to create a positive and enriching service-learning environment for SIT’s undergraduates. The four-month programme allows SIT undergraduates to hone their mentorship skills and inspire secondary school students to learn more about STEM.
YES!Programme allows secondary school students to pick up new knowledge and skills in robotics, programming, 3D printing, and food technology (chocolate making).
To date, more than 100 Secondary 3 and 4 students from Tanglin Secondary School and Yusof Ishak Secondary School have taken part and benefitted from the programme. These students are from the Normal Academic (NA)/ Normal Technical (NT) streams and are also from underprivileged families. They have been supported by close to 60 SITizen mentors.
Associate Professor (A/P) Victor Wang Peng Cheng (Engineering) in partnership with CLASIC has led the YES!Programme since 2019. The programme was conceived by SIT President Professor Tan Thiam Soon and a former SIT colleague, Dr Cheong Kang Hao in 2016. Lian Ho Lee Construction starting funding the programme in 2017 and the donation amounted to $300,000 over a period of four years.