Mechatronics Modules

Year 1

Real Time Computer Systems 3N


Hardware and software of computer systems which receive inputs from the physical world outside the computer and which must respond within the deadlines imposed by the time constants of the external hardware. The problems of multitasking, which arise when such systems have to respond to several simultaneous external events, are also introduced.

Year 2

Autonomous Vehicle Guidance Systems 4N


This course introduces the concepts behind autonomous vehicle guidance and coordination and enables students to design and implement guidance strategies for vehicles incorporating planning, optimising and reacting elements.

Control 4N


Applies classical control theory to a range of different types of system. It includes the classic types of controller such as proportional–integral–differential (PID), simple compensators and the use of Nyquist and Bode plots. The state space representation is introduced and used to assess stability.

Electronic System Design 4N


This course addresses the mixed-signal aspects of modern electronic systems. It includes the theory of sampling for analogue to digital conversion, which leads into an introduction to digital signal processing. It also covers analogue filters and digital to analogue conversion.

Project 4N


The individual project is an extended piece of work that provides the opportunity to show enthusiasm and initiative in attaining a specified goal. It is designed to develop the student’s ability to understand the field of the investigation, to select and justify the methodology adopted, to apply the methodology, to represent their results or findings accurately, and to understand and present the significance of the results or findings. In the case of the MDE project, this will be mechanical design and manufacture driven, following a generic design process. In the case of MT, it includes software, simulations, and often some form of mechanical or process application.

Robotics 4N


To provide an introduction to robots. Introduce the types of sensors and actuators that are commonly used in robotics. Develop an appreciation of the application issues concerning sensors and actuators within the context of robot applications. Develop the mathematics required to locate the position of a robot head and use this to plan and control its trajectory.

Professional Practice 5N


Introduces the concepts of entrepreneurial planning through understanding and practice in the use of developing a business plan.