Food Business Management (Culinary Arts) Modules

Year 2 - Semester 2

History and Cultures of Europe


An exploration of the major historical and philosophical developments that have shaped the European and western experience. Topics will include the European Union, Christianity, systems of government, Enlightenment, Revolution, and Nationalism.

Human Resource Management


An analysis of the legal, operational, and psychological considerations in recruiting, selecting, hiring, training, compensating, developing, disciplining, evaluating, and terminating employees. Other topics will include workforce demographics, employee illiteracy, substance abuse in the workplace, affirmative action, workers with disabling conditions, workforce stress, human resource planning, collective bargaining, and safety and equity considerations. Students will also analyse cases, solve actual or simulated personnel problems, and investigate successful practices in these areas.

Psychology of Human Behaviour


An introduction to various schools of thought that explain why people behave the way they do. Topics covered in the course include personality, motivation, memory, learning, perception, nature, nurture, and adaptation.

Top-Up Modules

Students without relevant diplomas, or a minimum "C" grade in relevant courses for credit transfer will be required to take additional top-up modules in order to complete the required 132-credit programme.

Year 2 - Semester 2 Top-up Modules

Marketing and Promoting Food


An examination of the principles of pricing, placing, product development and enhancement, market planning, target marketing, and purchasing. Topics will include forecasting, market research, competitive analysis, market segmentation, and promotional mix as they affect marketing food, restaurants, and services. The challenges and opportunities of advertising, public relations, sales promotion, and personal selling will also be covered. Students will develop a specific marketing plan as well as analyze current merchandising plans for food products and services.

Managerial Accounting


This course involves the interpretation and analysis of financial reports used in business organizations. It covers various topics such as implementing internal controls, budgeting, conducting break-even analysis, and performing financial statement analysis. Emphasis is placed on how management uses financial data to support business decisions related to the hospitality industry. (Prerequisite: Financial Accounting)

Foodservice Management


This course will integrate material taught in many other classes into a capstone project. Guided by their professor, students will design and execute an event that is marketed to the public. They will also analyze case studies distributed by the instructor. Class topics will include menu design, beverage trends, marketing strategies, facilities design, energy management, budgeting, forecasting, purchasing, inventory control, and the history of hospitality in the United States. This course is designed to expose the student to the skills needed to be an effective leader within the hospitality industry. (Prerequisites: Financial Accounting and Marketing and Promoting Food)

Organizational Behaviour


Organizational behaviour (OB) is the study of people at work, as well as group behaviour in the workplace and the culture of the organization itself. These are all seen as contributing factors to three measures of employee performance: productivity, absenteeism, and turnover. The OB discipline is based on a large number of scientifically based research studies used to accurately predict “cause and effect” of certain individual and group behaviours that occur in the workplace. By its very nature, it is a deliberate blend of the scientific and the practical-an applied science in the truest sense. Classes will combine these two components of OB-the research and its applications to understanding how they improve the functioning of organizations and the satisfaction of people who work there. (Pre-requisite: Human Resource Management MGMT 307)

History and Cultures of Asia


An examination of the major historical and geographical developments in Asia and ways in which these developments have affected the creation of various cultural patterns. Topics will include the plurality of cultures of Asia, and global interdependency and reactions to it.

Professionalism and Life Skills


The focus of this course is to promote student success as learners and citizens of the world. Throughout this course, students will recognize the qualities of, and develop as, informed, responsible, and empowered learners. Course objectives will cover topics related to personal, intellectual, and social development. The academic and life skill sets emphasized throughout this course are transferable to the workplace.

Financial Accounting


This course provides an introduction to accounting theory and concepts that will lay the foundation for the preparation of financial statements. Students will learn how to record, process, and summarize financial transactions. Emphasis is placed on the preparation of the income statement, balance sheet, statement of owner's equity, and statement of cash flows for a sole proprietorship, partnership, and corporation. This course includes an interactive component using accounting software to reinforce the concepts discussed.