Computer Science and Game Design Modules

Semester 4

Motion Dynamics Lab

PHY 200L

This course presents the concepts of PHY 200 in the laboratory. The experiments allow the student to experience the laws of basic physics involving linear motion, force, gravitation, conservation of energy, conservation of momentum, collisions, rotational motion, and springs. Error analysis and data reduction techniques are taught and required in experimental reports.

Semester 5

Algorithm Analysis

CS 330

This course provides students with an introduction to the analysis of algorithms, specifically proving their correctness and making a statement about their efficiency. Topics for discussion may include loop invariants, strong mathematical induction and recursion, asymptotic notation, recurrence relations, and generating functions. Students examine examples of algorithm analysis from searching and sorting algorithms.

Artificial Intelligence for Games

CS 380

This course introduces students to a wide range of concepts and practical algorithms that are commonly used to solve game AI problems. Case studies from real games are used to illustrate the concepts. Students have a chance to work with and implement core game AI algorithms. Topics covered includes the game AI programmer mindset, AI architecture (state machines, rule-based systems, goal-based systems, trigger systems, smart terrain, scripting, message passing, and debugging AI), movement, pathfinding, emergent behavior, agent awareness, agent cooperation, terrain analysis, planning, and learning/adaptation.

Level Design Methods

DES 214

The course focuses on methods for creating spatial environments, along with the controls and camera systems needed to navigate those environments. Additional topics include guiding the player and controlling pacing through the placement of encounters.

Project III

GAM 300

This course is the first semester of a two- or three-semester project, which will be continued in GAM 350, and then in GAM 375 for a three-semester project. Students will work together on teams of three or more to create an advanced real-time game or simulation. Techniques are explored for creating high-performance teams, tuning development processes for specific projects, using advanced discipline-based best practices, and applying specialized discipline-based skills to game development. This first semester focuses on pre-production to ensure the technology, tools, design, art, audio, and team are ready for full production in the following semester.

Discrete Mathematics

MAT 258

This course gives an introduction to several mathematical topics of foundational importance in the mathematical and computer sciences. Typically starting with propositional and first order logic, the course considers applications to methods of mathematical proof and reasoning. Further topics include basic set theory, number theory, enumeration, recurrence relations, mathematical induction, generating functions, and basic probability. Other topics may include graph theory, asymptotic analysis, and finite automata.

Waves, Optics, and Thermodynamics

PHY 250

This calculus-based course presents the fundamentals of fluid dynamics, oscillations, waves, geometric optics, and thermodynamics.

Semester 6

User Interface and User Experience Design

CS 325

This course presents fundamental topics in the field of human-computer interface design. Topics covered in the course will help students understand human capabilities, design principles, prototyping techniques and evaluation methods for human-computer interfaces, with special emphasis on natural user interfaces. The course will guide the students towards an implementation of a novel user interaction.


CS Elective Any three-credit CS course numbered 200 or higher


Career Search Preparation: Materials, Logistics, And Communication

COL 499

College 499 is a capstone course for students to prepare their job application materials and learn how to effectively search for an entry-level job in their field. The goal of the course is for each student to have a polished resume, cover letter, business card, and online/web presence by the end of the semester, as well as a search strategy for seeking employment.