SIT University Awards
Photo credits: Keng Photography for SIT
Teaching Excellence Award (TEA)
The SIT Teaching Excellence Award (TEA) values the importance of teaching as a complex and multi-faceted activity and recognises outstanding academic staff for their contributions.
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These are the 16 TEA recipients:- Associate Professor Jawn LimBusiness, Communication and Design Read Citation
- Assistant Professor Nadya Shaznay PatelBusiness, Communication and Design Read Citation
- Brad BlackstoneCentre for Professional Communication Read Citation
- Associate Professor An HuiEngineering Read Citation
- Assistant Professor Ho JiahuiEngineering Read Citation
- Assistant Professor Kyrin Jo Liong YushanEngineering Read Citation
- Associate Professor Tan Kuan TakEngineering Read Citation
- Associate Professor Wang Mei YinFood, Chemical and Biotechnology Read Citation
- Assistant Professor Tan Xiang RenHealth and Social Sciences Read Citation
- Associate Professor Valerie LimHealth and Social Sciences Read Citation
- Associate Professor Verena TanHealth and Social Sciences Read Citation
- Dan ChiaInfocomm Technology Read Citation
- Associate Professor Indriyati AtmosukartoInfocomm Technology Read Citation
- Purnima Murali MohanInfocomm Technology Read Citation
- Azzalia Binte AbuProfessional Officers Read Citation
- Guo TongProfessional Officers Read Citation
Student Developer Award
The Student Developer Award (SDA) recognises and celebrates non-academic staff who have positively contributed to the learning experiences of our students. This has resulted in their development and growth during their academic journey at the University.
The 6 SDA recipients are:
- Ong Gin YongCentre for Career Readiness Read Citation
- Zhang WeiliCentre for Career Readiness Read Citation
- Thinesh Dharan RahuEngineering Read Citation
- Lim Lit SanGlobal Experience Division Read Citation
- Lee Yee YongOffice of SITizen Experience Division Read Citation
- Muhammad Hafiz Bin HisamOffice of SITizen Experience Division Read Citation
Applied Research Excellence Award
The Applied Research Excellence Award recognises outstanding and impactful achievements in applied research among SIT academic staff. This year, the Applied Research Excellence Award (Team Award) was presented to two distinguished teams.
Team 1:
- Associate Professor Kwah Li Khim Health and Social Sciences
- Gabriel KwekProfessional Officers Division
- Associate Professor Desmond ChongEngineering
- Associate Professor Agnes XueBusiness, Communication and Design
The team worked on MOTIVATE - a ‘Multi-mOdal Training programme to promote physical actIVity After sTrokE’ - developing a complex intervention to help stroke survivors with physical disabilities increase their physical activity.
MOTIVATE is the first of its kind in Singapore - the research team developed the intervention using behaviour change theory and a co-design approach involving stroke survivors, caregivers and healthcare professionals. Key impact areas are:
Physical solution prototypes and information resources developed together with an interdisciplinary team from SIT, Republic Polytechnic, SingHealth and Singapore National Stroke Association, as well as patients recovering from stroke.
80% of programme attendees report increased confidence in exercising and using gym equipment.
The team is working on scaling this project to improve health outcomes on a national level.
Team 2:
- Assistant Professor Zhao MingshanEngineering
- Professor Chiew Sing PingEngineering
The research team developed an innovative welding protocol to construct high-strength steel sections using S690 steel plates called ‘HISTEEL’. Key impact areas are:
- 40% reduction in steel used while maintaining load-bearing capacity.
- Improved fabrication and installation times, and elevated safety standards.
- Comprehensive documentation of the welding protocol in a design handbook.
- Dissemination of research findings through SIT Construction Technology Innovation Laboratory (CTIL) at technical seminars and conferences.
Following the Building and Construction Authority’s approval of king posts, these have been implemented in projects such as the Fuji Xerox Towers Redevelopment and Marina View Residences.
SIT Fellowship Awards
The Fellowship Award honours exceptional faculty members who have made outstanding contributions to research, teaching, and service, recognising their role in fostering a vibrant intellectual community.
- Associate Professor Mustafa Shabbir KurbanhusenEngineering
- Chu Mui KimBusiness, Communication and Design
- Associate Professor Claire Louise PettittHealth and Social Sciences
- Associate Professor Du JuanFood, Chemical and Biotechnology
- Associate Professor Frank GuanInfocomm Technology
- Associate Professor Jorry DharmawanFood, Chemical and Biotechnology
- Associate Professor Verena Tan Ming HuiHealth and Social Sciences
Service Appreciation Award
10-Year Service Appreciation Award Recipients:
- Associate Professor Koh Sze KeeBusiness, Communication and Design
- Associate Professor Lim Tze-Hin JawnBusiness, Communication and Design
- Associate Professor Ng Lee KengBusiness, Communication and Design
- Associate Professor Gan Hiong YapEngineering
- Associate Professor Goh Suk MengEngineering
- Associate Professor Liew Chin KianEngineering
- Professor Loh Han TongEngineering
- Associate Professor Low Choon Ann KennethEngineering
- Associate Professor Ng Keong AndrewEngineering
- Associate Professor Sng Eng Kian KennethEngineering
- Associate Professor Soh Chew BengEngineering
- Associate Professor Wang Pengcheng VictorEngineering
- Associate Professor Xiang NingEngineering
- Associate Professor Yee Fook CheongEngineering
- Associate Professor Zheng JianxinEngineering
- Associate Professor Zhou YiEngineering
- Associate Professor Loo Liat Wen BernardFood, Chemical and Biotechnology
- Associate Professor Soon Tze Chin BenjaminHealth and Social Sciences
- Associate Professor Lee Su Ann JeannieInfocomm Technology
- Associate Professor Loh Kok Keong PeterInfocomm Technology
- Associate Professor Low Yoke HeanInfocomm Technology
- Woo Wing KeongInfocomm Technology
- Lim Kok HwaProfessional Officers
- Chan Jiali MelisaAcademic Programmes Administration
- Choo Wan TingAcademic Programmes Administration
- Kang Sway Kiem JaniceAcademic Programmes Administration
- Lande Badalge Vinitha de Silva U.Academic Programmes Administration
- Norita Binte MustaphaAcademic Programmes Administration
- Teo Kwok Lee JuliaCentre for Digital Enablement
- Lim Jie SiOffice of SITizen Experience
- Goh Choon Hian AnthonyOffice of the Provost (PVO)
- Wong Wei Shan JulianaRegistrar's Office
- Associate Professor Chua Chern PinSIT Teaching and Learning Academy
- Associate Professor Karin AvnitSIT Teaching and Learning Academy
- Yong Mun HinSIT Teaching and Learning Academy
- Poh Ka WengAdvancement & Alumni
- Toh Wan Ching JoanAdvancement & Alumni
- Associate Professor Ivan Lee Boon HongOffice of the President
- Professor Leong Su Jan SusannaOffice of the President
- Tsoi Mun HengOffice of the President
- Chong Fook WengCommunications & Information Technology
- Kwek Joo ChingCommunications & Information Technology
- Michael Vincent Ko PozonCommunications & Information Technology
- Ng Hong KianCommunications & Information Technology
- Mohamad Juanda Bin IsmaunEstates
- Ng Sock LiangEstates
- Wee Hwee JoonEstates
- Wong Chuay LianEstates-Campus Development
- Loh Boon Mei RubyHuman Resource
- Ung Ewe Hong MaxineLegal
5-Year Service Appreciation Award Recipients:
- Assistant Professor Jesslyn Lim Qian HuiBusiness, Communication and Design
- Associate Professor Ow Yong Keng KevinBusiness, Communication and Design
- Yeap Lay HuayBusiness, Communication and Design
- Associate Professor Christopher Bronn YorkEngineering
- Assistant Professor Kiew Choon MengEngineering
- Associate Professor Paw Yew ChaiEngineering
- Associate Professor Du JuanFood, Chemical and Biotechnology
- Assistant Professor Teh Siew PhengFood, Chemical and Biotechnology
- Chen Li WenHealth and Social Sciences
- Associate Professor Harve Subramhanya KarthikHealth and Social Sciences
- Hoo Kar Ling CorrineHealth and Social Sciences
- Assistant Professor Ingrid Mary WilsonHealth and Social Sciences
- Associate Professor Lai Wai Keung ChristopherHealth and Social Sciences
- Lester Edmund JonesHealth and Social Sciences
- Assistant Professor Lim Ei-Ping AudreyHealth and Social Sciences
- Assistant Professor Ng Yoke LengHealth and Social Sciences
- Assistant Professor Soh Leng HsienHealth and Social Sciences
- Assistant Professor SureshHealth and Social Sciences
- Assistant Professor Tan Hwei LanHealth and Social Sciences
- Assistant Professor Tan Sai GeokHealth and Social Sciences
- Assistant Professor Chan Ching BonInfocomm Technology
- Associate Professor Frank Guan YunqingInfocomm Technology
- Assistant Professor Muhamed Fauzi Bin AbbasInfocomm Technology
- Assistant Professor Oran Zane DevillyInfocomm Technology
- Chen Weisheng KelvinProfessional Officers
- Goh Cheng Im AmeliaProfessional Officers
- Jacob AbrahamProfessional Officers
- Lim Kean SoonProfessional Officers
- Mohamed Shazni Bin BadaruzamanProfessional Officers
- Remy Bin MohamedProfessional Officers
- Siau King IngProfessional Officers
- Vincent Chan Siang HuatProfessional Officers
- Assistant Professor Kenneth Ong Keng WeeCentre for Professional Communication
- Lee Kai NiAcademic Programmes Administration
- Ong Li FangAcademic Programmes Administration
- Wang HaiyanAcademic Programmes Administration
- Conrad Ho GuoruiOffice of SITizen Experience
- Li LingOffice of SITizen Experience
- Lam Kit YingOffice of the Provost (PVO)
- Fu HuiyanRegistrar's Office
- Low Jeng Heng LeonardRegistrar's Office
- Lim Li SiongSIT Teaching and Learning Academy
- Muhammad Fauzie Bin MahmoodSIT Teaching and Learning Academy
- Tan Chin PeiSIT Teaching and Learning Academy
- Chen Zhangle EdwardCentre for Career Readiness
- Nur Atiqah Binte AliCorporate Communications
- Koey Chin PohGlobal Experience
- Ho Wei Li AnnetteSITLEARN Professional Development
- Teh Poh HoonStrategic Partnership
- Lim Seok Hong JoleneAdvancement & Alumni
- Peh Geok HoonOffice of the President
- Yaacob Bin IbrahimOffice of the President
- Lum Wai Kiong DannyPlanning, Risk and Safety
- Lakshmi Moorthy ChitraCommunications & Information Technology
- Preethi MamdekarCommunications & Information Technology
- VinsenCommunications & Information Technology
- Wu ZhipingEstates-Campus Development
- Azlifah Binti SarmidiFinance
- Eunice Tan WeiqiFinance
- Evelyn Chua Kim FongFinance
- Tan Yong Hou IanHuman Resource
- Selina Chung Siew YenLegal
- Afida Binte Abdul RahimLibrary
- Wegener Debby ReginaLibrary
- Wong Pei HongLibrary
Associate Professor Jawn Lim
Business, Communication and Design
Jawn redefines teaching by gamifying it and integrating industry insights, fostering a hands-on, experimental learning environment. His ongoing mentorship rooted in “Design Your Life” principles, guides students through academic and career decisions, profoundly influencing their futures.
(Citation by BCD Evaluation Committee Member)
Assistant Professor Nadya Shaznay Patel
Business, Communication and Design
Nadya excels in fostering a dynamic learning environment that values dialogue and creativity. She evaluates students through real-world projects like the Hospitality Business website redesign. Her professional and empathetic approach ensures timely and constructive feedback is provided to the students.
(Citation by BCD Evaluation Committee Member)
Brad Blackstone
Centre for Professional Communication
Brad advocates a teaching approach that intertwines effective communication with critical thinking. This fosters a collaborative and thoughtful learning environment for the students. His philosophy emphasises real-world applicability, nurturing meaningful student engagement, and equipping them with essential professional communication skills.
(Citation by CPC Evaluation Committee Member)
Associate Professor An Hui
An Hui is dedicated to cultivating intrinsic motivation for learning in his students through the design of his lessons that enhance critical thinking and practical application of engineering theories. He recognised the diverse backgrounds of his students and provided timely and varied feedback to each unique individual.
(Citation by ENG Evaluation Committee Member)
Assistant Professor Ho Jiahui
Jiahui is dedicated to developing curricula that equip students for industry needs. She incorporates real-world assessments and fosters professional growth through resources like IWSP sessions and networking. Her innovative teaching strategies aim to cultivate a positive learning mindset and enhance cognitive abilities among the students.
(Citation by ENG Evaluation Committee Member)
Assistant Professor Kyrin Jo Liong Yushan
Kyrin enhances her teaching by creating a psychologically safe, supportive, and interactive environment that promotes both academic understanding and personal growth in her students. She redefines her teaching methods for blended learning, helping students to excel in this new educational space.
(Citation by ENG Evaluation Committee Member)
Associate Professor Tan Kuan Tak
Kuan Tak’s educational approach is industry-focused, blending practical assignments with expert collaboration to equip students to excel in the industry. His mentorship and tailored teaching methods address diverse learning needs, ensuring a comprehensive and engaging academic experience for both undergraduate and adult learners.
(Citation by ENG Evaluation Committee Member)
Associate Professor Wang Mei Yin
Food, Chemical and Biotechnology
Mei Yin is known for her innovative, dynamic teaching style which seamlessly incorporates real-world examples to contextualise her teaching and enhance student understanding. As a Programme Leader, she not only promotes student-industry networking opportunities but also uses innovative assessments and seeks continuous self-improvement, which reflect her dedication to academic excellence.
(Citation by FCB Evaluation Committee Member)
Assistant Professor Tan Xiang Ren
Health and Social Sciences
Xiang Ren’s teaching philosophy emphasises building a strong mental framework to scaffold learning and fostering connections with students. His engaging lesson materials, personalised teaching approach, and integration of varied educational technology have made his lessons interactive and relevant to real life.
(Citation by HSS Evaluation Committee Member)
Associate Professor Valerie Lim
Health and Social Sciences
Valerie’s teaching is characterised by a strong pedagogical foundation and a commitment to student learning. She uses scaffolding techniques, and is adaptive to meeting diverse educational needs by promptly changing her teaching approaches. She goes beyond classroom teaching and provides support to individual students. She ensures that her students can achieve their personal and professional aspirations through authentic assessments and real-world interactions.
(Citation by HSS Evaluation Committee Member)
Associate Professor Verena Tan
Health and Social Sciences
Verena’s dedication to fostering a collaborative and immersive learning environment is evident through her innovative teaching methods, including ethnic meal preparations and food vlogs, which have garnered positive feedback for enhancing student engagement and learning. Her commitment to student development extends beyond academics. She actively supports their well-being and career aspirations, even aiding in the recovery of a student in distress.
(Citation by HSS Evaluation Committee Member)
Dan Chia
Infocomm Technology
Dan’s dedication to teaching excellence and student development is reflected in his outstanding feedback and his innovative use of industry-standard software to enrich learning. His holistic approach to education includes personalised support, career guidance, and community outreach, fostering a nurturing and dynamic learning environment for his students.
(Citation by ICT Evaluation Committee Member)
Associate Professor Indriyati Atmosukarto
Infocomm Technology
Indri excels in teaching and innovation. Her innovative teaching methods, including applied learning labs and educational games, along with a curriculum that prepares students for industry, highlight her commitment to effective education. She fosters a strong commitment to student development through active mentorship, involvement in student-led initiatives, and contributions to education research.
(Citation by ICT Evaluation Committee Member)
Purnima Murali Mohan
Infocomm Technology
Purnima excels as an educator with innovative pedagogical practices, development of interactive learning materials and cutting-edge technologies, leading to high student engagement and success. Her unwavering commitment to student development is evident in her mentorship and involvement in various initiatives like blockchain modules and industry partnerships.
(Citation by ICT Evaluation Committee Member)
Azzalia Binte Abu
Professional Officers
Azzalia’s teaching strategy in radiology combines interactive, simulated, and hands-on methods to bridge theory with practical skills, enhancing student learning. She meticulously tracks and adapts to each student’s progress, ensuring personalised mentorship and a supportive educational atmosphere to build students’ confidence and readiness to work in the clinical setting.
(Citation by POD Evaluation Committee Member)
Guo Tong
Professional Officer
Guo Tong effectively employs the scaffolding method to guide students from limited knowledge to independence. She strives to foster a positive and communicative relationship with students to enhance the flipped classroom experience for the students. Her commitment to education is further shown by her pursuit of self-improvement and the development of clinical assignments to assess and challenge students and offer constructive feedback on their performance.
(Citation by POD Evaluation Committee Member)
Ong Gin Yong
Centre for Career Readiness
As a Career Coach, Gin Yong sees the importance of instilling a growth mindset in students and actively engaging them in designing their career trajectories and personal development. He motivates students to excel and supports their transition into the workplace with inspiration and practical advice, seeking to enlighten students that their career success is self-determined.
[Citation by Centre for Career Readiness]
Zhang Weili
Centre for Career Readiness
As a Career Educator, Weili effectively engages students with a curriculum that is thoughtfully designed and connects with students through real-life stories, making her workshops interactive and impactful for career development. Her enthusiasm and commitment to incorporating technology and innovative techniques in her teaching encourage active participation and continuous learning among students.
[Citation by Centre for Career Readiness]
Thinesh Dharan Rahu
As a dedicated research engineer, Thinesh has significantly enhanced the educational experience for SIT engineering students by involving them in innovative research projects and guiding them in competitions and conferences. This provides students with invaluable opportunities for practical learning and professional development. His dedication to nurturing students into future innovators and leaders in their fields is commendable.
[Citation by Engineering cluster]
Lim Lit San
Global Experience Division
Lit San has played a pivotal role in enhancing the Overseas Exposure Programme, ensuring it serves clear learning outcomes and benefits multiple academic clusters, thereby enriching the global educational experience. His initiative in establishing the first Student Ambassadors within the Global Experience Division exemplifies his commitment to fostering an inclusive environment and promoting international perspectives among students and staff.
[Citation by Global Experience Division]
Lee Yee Yong
Office of SITizen Experience Division
Yee Yong’s commitment to student development has notably advanced the performing arts at our university, with groups like SIT Symphonique and SIT Chinese Orchestra thriving under his mentorship. His contributions to special projects and student life initiatives reflect his creative leadership and dedication to fostering a vibrant campus community.
[Citation by Office of SITizen Experience Division]
Muhammad Hafiz Bin Hisam
Office of SITizen Experience Division
Hafiz has been instrumental in fostering a sense of community and leadership among students, particularly through his guidance of groups like the SIT Astronomers Club and CD Lionhearters, leading to cohesive and successful campus initiatives. His unwavering support and mentorship have significantly contributed to institutional events and the development of student leaders, enhancing the overall campus experience.
[Citation by Office of SITizen Experience Division]