Singapore Universities Student Exchange Programme (Inbound Students)
The Singapore Universities Student Exchange Programme (SUSEP) is a local inter-university Student Exchange Programme. Through SUSEP, students can take selected courses and experience student life at SIT for one trimester, while concurrently pursuing their degree programme in their home university.
Partner Universities
Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
National University of Singapore (NUS)
Singapore Management University (SMU)
Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS)
Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)
Application Information for Inbound Students
AY2025 Trimester 1 (Aug 2025 cycle)
1. Application Criteria
- Nominated by your home university
- Completed at least two semesters of undergraduate studies at your home university before enrolment at SIT
- Not be in your graduating semester or final year at your home university
- Continue to be registered as an enrolled undergraduate at your home university throughout the exchange at SIT
- Have a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 5-point scale
2. Application Timeline
20 March 2025
SIT receives a nominee list from your home university.
21 March – 10 April 2025
Nominees will receive the application instructions via email. Nominees will be required to indicate their module selection (refer to section 3 on academic information) and provide the following supporting documents.
- Identity Document
Singaporeans: NRIC
Singapore Permanent Residents: Blue NRIC, re-entry permit, passport
International Students: Passport, Student Pass - Latest academic transcripts, including grade legend.
- Record of modules read in the current semester.
- A descriptor of the related pre-requisite module(s) taken if applying for a module with pre-requisites.
9 June 2025
Applicants will be informed of the outcome.
3. Academic Information
Available Modules
You may refer to the list of modules available for selection, according to each cluster.
Students may take modules across clusters. Please take note of the venues for the different modules.
Timetable schedules are finalised about two weeks before the start of the trimester.
Note: SIT will provide the timetable once available for students to check for clashes in the schedule before deciding to take up the SUSEP offer at SIT in AY2025 Trimester 1 (September to December 2025).
Unless otherwise stated, examinations will typically occur in the Final Assessment Week (i.e., Week 14 of each trimester). The exam schedule will be released around Week 9 of the trimester. In the event of exam clashes within the SIT modules you are reading or with your home university’s module(s), alternative arrangements will be made.
Number of modules/credits
You may take a minimum of 1 module and up to 5 or 6 modules.
A full-load module is six credits. A typical workload in SIT is 30 credits (5 modules x 6 credits). 1 credit equates to 25 hours of scheduled classes, projects, practical work, self-study and continual assessment.
Academic Calendar
AY2025 Trimester 1 runs from 1 September to 7 December 2025. You may refer to SIT’s Academic Calendar.
4. Fees
Tuition Fees
You will pay tuition fees to your home university only.
Other Fees
A miscellaneous fee is payable for Singaporeans/Permanent Residents and International Students, respectively. The prevailing rates are $87.20 and $119.90 for Singaporeans/Permanent Residents and International Students respectively.
5. Others
SUSEP students must be covered by a compulsory health insurance plan with their home university.
Contact Us
If you cannot find what you are looking for, we are here to help. Send us your questions and we will get in touch as soon as we can.