Academic Clusters



An Exceptional Feat to Achieve ASEP

An Exceptional Feat to Achieve ASEP

Shaping Singapore's Future by Enhancing Sustainability and Power Engineering Capabilities

Shaping Singapore's Future by Enhancing Sustainability and Power Engineering Capabilities

Beyond the Walls of the Classrooms

For Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) students, the real working world is their classroom too.

Award-winning Sustainable Innovation Apt for Developing Countries

Award-winning Sustainable Innovation Apt for Developing Countries

Gold for Bee Glue as an Alternative Antibiotic

Honey has a permanent place in almost everyone’s kitchen and natural remedy cabinet. But it isn’t the only beneficial substance that honey bees make. Propolis is the “bee glue” ...

From Purees to Palatable 3D Printed Food

At first glance, the plate of food looks like ordinary rice with chicken drumstick and broccoli. Take a closer look and you will realise that it is actually 3D printed food made of ...

Driving the Future of Autonomous Mobility

True to SIT’s status as Singapore’s university of applied learning, an electric autonomous vehicle (EAV) has been deployed for the primary purpose of bringing the technology up ...

Championing Applied Learning

Championing Applied Learning

SITizens Get Innovative to Help Shipping Industry Go Green

SITizens Get Innovative to Help Shipping Industry Go Green

Integrating Technology into Facilities Management

Integrating Technology into Facilities Management