Applied Research & Innovation
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Power Through Emotion
SIT, Chemistry and Pod of Life unveil a new approach to combat workplace burnout through The Emotional Baggage Board Game.

How NAMIC Hub@SIT Fused Art with Additive Manufacturing to Create a Thought-provoking Sustainability Exhibition
When art meets technology, innovation thrives. Discover how NAMIC Hub@SIT harnessed the power of additive manufacturing to bring an immersive art installation to life, showcasing sustainable design and reimagining the possibilities of 3D printing.

Lab Culture: Raising the Next Generation With An Innovative Mindset
From aiding Singapore's pandemic response with groundbreaking PCR test development, former research scientist Dr John Goh now nurtures future pharmaceutical and chemical engineers as a Lead Professional Officer at SIT.

Elevating Food Industry Standards Through Transnational Partnerships
FoodPlant seeks a new frontier with strategic partnerships in the APAC region to accelerate commercial outcomes in food innovation and manufacturing.