SIT Expert Spotlight



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SIT Empowers Caregivers of Patients with Pressure Injuries Through RemindMe App

A new RemindMe app, developed by SIT and SGH, equips caregivers with resources to care for patients with pressure injuries at home.


Brown U

Learning Across Continents: Social Innovation in Practice

Time, financial resources, and partnerships are key to bolstering social innovation initiatives in higher education in Singapore.


Grooming Future-Ready Talents in Healthcare

SIT’s comprehensive range of healthcare degree programmes is designed to train a new generation of changemakers who deliver professionalism and deep empathy.

Horse riding therapy

Novel Spinal Cord Injury Clinical Trial Helps Paralysed Patients Walk Again

Associate Professor Wee Seng Kwee and fellow researchers are on a mission to help patients with severe spinal cord injury regain functional mobility.



Making Net Zero Buildings in Singapore a Reality

Prof Lock Kai Sang, who heads the Energy Efficiency Technology Centre at SIT, spoke at the Singapore International Energy Week 2023 Thinktank Roundtable on "Net Zero Buildings in Singapore, Is It Achievable?".

A/Prof Jeannie Lee (left) and SITizens Phoebe (middle) and Mei Ting (right)

Rebel With A Cause

SIT’s Associate Professor Jeannie Lee made it to the prestigious list of 'Singapore 100 Women in Tech'


Transforming Manufacturing in Singapore and Beyond

Associate Professor Yee Fook Cheong is shaping the future of manufacturing as the first Academia Fellow of the International Centre for Industrial Transformation.

Physical activities

MOTIVATE: Empowering Stroke Survivors to Stay Physically Active

Co-designed with stroke survivors, MOTIVATE is a multisector collaborative initiative for stroke recovery led by the Singapore Institute of Technology

Building Effective Supervisors among Occupational Therapists

Fuelled by the desire to support allied health professionals, Associate Professor Karina Dancza from the Health and Social Sciences Cluster drew on her experience as an ...

Decarbonisation and Energy Resilience for the Built Environment

Climate change and depleting natural resources have pushed the energy sector, both globally and in Singapore, to embrace more sustainable technologies and practices.