Academic Clusters
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Charting a Way Forward for ‘Immersification’
The Centre for Immersification at SIT held its inaugural Immersions event on 21 October 2022, in conjunction with the 21st IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented ...
DOSIS Project: Deepening Applied Research Collaboration
A three-year applied research project between SIT and a Finnish university surmounted pandemic challenges and turned into a long-term partnership.
First-hand Experience in Machine Vision
In this final instalment of a three-part series, we put the spotlight on a SITizen who made a remarkable contribution to his IWSP company through machine vision technology.
Keeping the Smartest Birds at Bay through Innovative Solutions
The SIT-Polytechnic Innovation Centre of Excellence (SPICE), one of four innovation centres within InnoHub, hosted its first industry knowledge sharing session on 14 October 2022 ...