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Building Dreams in Aviation


Mohamed Ariff Bin Kamal Bacha, an SIT Aviation Management graduate, shares his impactful Integrated Work Study Programme (IWSP) experience, which propelled his childhood dream into reality.

As a young boy visiting Changi Airport, Mohamed Ariff Bin Kamal Bacha was drawn to more than just the typical sights. While he, like many other children, loved watching the international parade of airplanes through terminal windows, his fascination ran deeper –  in the intricate operations that kept this international aviation hub humming seamlessly. The  Class of 2022 Aviation Management graduate recalls how his early curiosity shaped his path.

“The airport struck me as a bustling place where many things were happening simultaneously, and it fascinated me. I had many questions about the operation processes and systems of the airport, but not everybody had answers to my questions,” Ariff recalled.


Revisiting a childhood memory of plane watching from Changi Airport Terminal 1’s viewing hall (Photo: Ariff Kamal)

Covering All Grounds

Ariff’s insatiable curiosity drove him to gain a comprehensive understanding of the aviation industry. After his diploma in Aerospace Engineering, he decided to pursue a degree in Aviation Management at SIT.

“I wanted to craft for myself a study path that would give me a broad overview and understanding across the whole spectrum of the aviation industry,” Ariff said. “Even though the Aviation Management (previously Air Transport Management) degree programme was newly launched, I was drawn to the opportunity to learn about airport management and operations, as well as the business aspects of the aviation industry.”

The quest to deepen his understanding of the aviation industry led Ariff to choose Starburst Singapore for his Integrated Work Study Programme (IWSP).  A global aerospace and defence startup accelerator and strategic advisory firm, Starburst connects startups with corporations, investors and government agencies while providing strategic growth and investment consulting services to all. “I thought an internship with Starburst would give me exposure to the breadth of activities in the sector and expand my capabilities in business development,” Ariff said.

It was indeed an eventful eight months for Ariff as he was roped in for several novel projects. One standout initiative involved developing a first-to-last-mile business idea to connect small enterprises on Indonesia’s remote islands to global markets. Ariff also had the opportunity to organise hackathons and run the Singapore Aviation Accelerator, a 13-week intensive acceleration programme, from start to end – another highlight of the internship for Ariff. 


Ariff representing Starburst Singapore and hosting the Singapore Aviation Accelerator during his IWSP. (Photo: Ariff Kamal)

Despite his technical and operational background, Ariff relished the business-focused challenges presented at Starburst. There were many late nights and reworking of proposals, especially when business requirements shifted. But he saw these as golden opportunities to learn more about the industry.

This also trained Ariff to be adaptable and quick to respond to changes. “One of my biggest takeaways from the internship was understanding the importance of agility – being ready to respond to changes and adapt to decisions made by senior management, who often view the same situation through a different lens. It’s a skill I’m still applying today,” Ariff said.

“I also realised that some of our projects were in uncharted waters. It was a collaborative effort between everyone to find solutions, do their part and get the project up and running,” Ariff added, reflecting on how the experience pushed him out of his comfort zone.

Taking Flight with Scoot

Ariff credits his internship with Starburst for giving him a head start in his career. He joined Scoot in 2022 as an Analyst and is now a Senior Analyst, rising through the ranks within 20 months. His day-to-day responsibilities include managing and planning flight routes of 70 destinations in five key regions, ensuring commercial viability and business growth of the networks under him. Ariff shared that the stakeholders he worked with during his IWSP are the same clients he currently engages with. “Drawing on my past experiences, I can adapt to different perspectives when approaching my work,” he said.


Ariff (left) with his colleague, representing Scoot at the IATA Slot Conference in Dubai. (Photo: Ariff Kamal)

Now living out his childhood dream of working at the airport, Ariff believes that internships are more than just a stepping stone. They are platforms to showcase initiative and creativity. “Every task, no matter how small, is an opportunity to learn and contribute. You can add value to your task by finding ways to improve or innovate,” Ariff said.

Beyond gaining skills and work experience, Ariff’s internship was also a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. “By intentionally improving myself, I’ve emerged from the internship as a better version of who I was,” he reflected.


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