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CTIL Wins IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Award 2024

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Group photo at the IES 58th Annual Dinner. (From left) Prof. Chiew Sing Ping, Head of CTIL, SIT; Prof Chua Kee Chaing, SIT President; Asst. Prof. Zhao Mingshan, Project PI, SIT; Mr Chua Guan Feng, Research Engineer, SIT; Ms Jamie Chong, Research Engineer, SIT. (Photo: CTIL) 


The Construction Technology Innovation Laboratory (CTIL) is thrilled to announce that its Aqueous Carbon Sequestration technology for ultra-low carbon concrete has clinched the IES (Institution of Engineers, Singapore) Prestigious Engineering Achievement Awards (PEAA) 2024 in the Applied Research and Development category. The awards recognise engineering achievements demonstrating outstanding engineering skills that have significantly contributed to the engineering progress and the quality of life in Singapore.


At the heart of this achievement are Assistant Professor Zhao Mingshan and his team, whose work exemplifies excellence in engineering and their passion for advancing knowledge. This award from the IES is more than a recognition; it is a testament to CTIL’s dedication to the advancement of sustainable solutions that address pressing global and local challenges in construction. 

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IES President presented the award to the CTIL research team. (From left) Chua Guan Feng, Research Engineer, SIT; Engineer (Er.) Chan Ewe Jin, IES President; Asst Prof Zhao Mingshan, Project PI, SIT; Jamie Chong, Research Engineer, SIT. (Photo:  CTIL) 


This applied research project, supported by the National Research Foundation Singapore and the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) under the BETA Catalyst Funding Programme, was developed in collaboration with Woh Hup (Private) Limited, Alliance Concrete Singapore Pte Ltd, and Cardiff University, UK. It provides a cost-effective and innovative solution for the production of sustainable ready-mixed concrete that addresses Singapore’s environmental and industrial needs.


Speaking on behalf of the team, Assistant Professor Zhao shared, “We are deeply honoured to receive this award, which recognises our hard work and efforts in translating innovative and sustainable solutions from the lab to sites. It demonstrates that industry collaboration remains key to overcoming existing challenges. The team is motivated to upscale this technology in the near future!”  


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