Infocomm Technology




SIT’s Singapore Biodesign Faculty Fellows Turn Research into Medical Solutions

Under the Singapore Biodesign Faculty Fellowship, faculty members are equipped with biodesign knowledge in healthcare innovation to improve patients' lives.

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Staying Relevant in the Workplace Through Competency-based Upskilling

SIT is empowering working professionals to acquire skills incrementally, on a need basis and at a pace comfortable for the learner. Stackable Micro-credentials hold the answer to upskilling in a VUCA world.

AI experts from SIT and NVIDIA

SIT Launches First-of-its-kind Centre for AI in Collaboration with NVIDIA

The SIT Centre for AI offers comprehensive end-to-end services with co-supervision by experts from both SIT and NVIDIA

Human working alongside AI

SITizens of Tomorrow in an AI-driven World

AI's permeation and increased usage have sparked much discussion on its potential impact on business metamorphosis. How does SIT prepare its graduates to contribute to AI-driven workplaces?


Bryan Choo Rapsodo

Stepping Up to The Plate

SITizen Bryan Choo took a long shot when he applied to Rapsodo Sports for his Integrated Work Study Programme, and scored a full-time role in the company after graduation.

Team DPHack

Game for Greener Travel? SIT and NTU Students Win Challenge with Novel App Proposal

Jee Jia Min and Wilfred Ng, final-year SIT-DigiPen Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation degree programme students, with Nicole Yap from NTU, emerged as champions in both Singapore and Regional rounds of the Schneider Go Green challenge.

A/Prof Jeannie Lee (left) and SITizens Phoebe (middle) and Mei Ting (right)

Rebel With A Cause

SIT’s Associate Professor Jeannie Lee made it to the prestigious list of 'Singapore 100 Women in Tech'

Graduation 2023 - ICT

Class of 2023: Impactful Projects Leading to Career Take-offs

The journeys of Patrick Kang and Astor Tran at SIT showcase the power of transformative education.

The winning team from SIT with Education Minister Chan Chun Sing and representatives from Dell Technologies and MINDS (Photo: Dell Technologies)

Innovation for Better Inclusivity

Year 3 Computing Science students from SIT Dylan Tok, Xu Xueli, Yong Kai En, Zhang XiangHui, Samantha Lee and Ryan Sim, emerged victorious at the InnovateFest 2023, hosted by Dell Technologies.

IWSP at Continental

Success-Driving Partnerships: A Smooth Ride to the Workplace

SIT alumni Gerald Gwee and Luna Neo credit their success to the Computer Engineering degree programme and work attachment at Continental Automotive Singapore.