Lifelong Learning



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From an Athlete to a Therapist

When SIT launched its Physiotherapy degree programme in 2016, it didn’t take long for 35-year-old Alfian bin Redzuan to take the plunge and answer a calling that has been on his mind since his youth.

Teaching the Art of Mentoring by Asking ‘What Else?’

The Corporate Mentoring and Coaching training programme aims to develop workplace mentors, who play an integral role in cultivating workplace learning culture.

Inspiring Students With His Passion for Sport Science

Khen Kee Wei has always been a believer and advocate of lifelong learning. He recently made the switch from Professional Officer to Associate Faculty at SIT after taking on the ...

Applied Materials Teams Up with SIT to Support a Future-Ready Semiconductor Workforce

Working together in continuing education and training (CET) and local ecosystem capability building

SIT Partners Rotary to Build Skilled Workforce in Chemicals and Energy Sector

The collaboration will take place on three fronts – workplace learning programmes for Rotary staff, internship opportunities for SIT students, and innovation projects.

SIT Partners SP Group to Boost Engineering Talent and Advance Singapore’s Energy Sector

MOU signed at Energy Innovation 2022 seeks to upskill more engineering talent with strategic three-year collaboration to supercharge expertise in the energy sector.

Engineering Career Success Through Continuous Learning

Professional requirements compelled 36-year-old electrical engineer Loo Yee Chye to upskill. In the process, he discovered how going back to university was a boon to his daily work and long-term aspirations.

Rekindling Dreams with Workplace Learning Pathway

The pilot Competency-Based Workplace Learning (CBWL) pathway at SIT provides an avenue for lifelong learners to seek education that may have been out of reach earlier.

How SIAEC is Charting Out the Upskilling & Reskilling Flight Path for a Future-proof Workforce

Seizing opportunities in the midst of a crisis, SIAEC capitalised on the reduction in workload to accelerate the upskilling and reskilling of its workforce, building capabilities to emerge stronger post-pandemic.

How Higher Education Can Guide Students to Uncover Their Full Potential

Educators across the globe gathered to discuss how institutes of higher learning can better train students in preparation for workplaces of the future. Economic disruptions brought ...