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A Mascot That’s OTTER-ly Right for SIT


Year 2 Applied Artificial Intelligence undergraduate Sebastian Fernandez is the creative brains behind SIT’s new otter mascot, OTi. He shares with us the inspiration and design process behind his creation and what it stands for.

 SITizens and SIT staff may have recently spotted a new face around campus – a big, brown and friendly life-sized otter. Meet OTi, SIT’s very own mascot.  

The creator of the newest addition to the SIT family is 23-year-old Sebastian Fernandez, a Year 2 undergraduate in the Applied Artificial Intelligence degree programme. 

While AI and mascot design may seem unrelated, Sebastian has his family to thank for his artistic genes. “My dad is a digital imaging artist, while two of my three siblings are in the creative field, so growing up, I’ve always been exposed to graphic design and the creative process,” he explained.  

The SIT mascot design competition is not Sebastian’s first foray into this area. As a student, he has actively participated in various design competitions, even winning a logo competition held by a small-medium-sized enterprise (SME) while in secondary school. This experience has been invaluable for Sebastian, as it provided him with the opportunity to leave his mark on SIT's legacy by designing its new mascot. “It also gave me a real confidence boost”, he shared. 

SIT Mascot

Sebastian (left) with his winning creation, OTi, and Professor John Thong, Deputy President (Academic) & Provost, SIT. Photo: SIT FYE PUMA team

Getting Inspiration from Ott-er Places 

Coming up with the otter mascot took several days of creative brainstorming for Sebastian.  

Delving into his research process, he said, “I wanted to feature an animal since many popular mascots are typically animals. Along the way, I considered owls, lions and even phoenixes to represent the university since these animals usually symbolise positive values like knowledge, courage and transformation.” 

“But with SIT’s move to Punggol, I found myself inspired by the environment around the new campus with its nature and tranquil waterways. Coupled with the recent media coverage on the family of otters residing in the area, using an otter as a mascot naturally came to mind.” 

Sebastian liked that otters are resourceful and communal creatures, which his research also revealed. “They are well-known for using tools such as rocks to open hard-shelled prey, which I thought were very representative of SIT’s qualities of innovation and resourcefulness.”  

“Otters also travel in packs. They swim and hunt together – representative of the SIT community coming together and collectively working towards our mission for learners and industry,” he added.  

Turning Vision into Reality  

Sebastian went on to flesh out OTi the otter by giving it human-like qualities. He scoured the internet, looking through various depictions and caricatures of otters and noting the features of smooth-coated otters indigenous to Singapore.  

Under his skillful pen, the mascot came to life – adopting a standing posture and wearing SIT's colours of red and black.  

Sebastian paid particular attention to how the otter looked, imbuing its features with a bright, alert expression and a friendly yet confident appearance.  

“I designed OTi with open arms, almost like it’s welcoming you with a hug. And although I wanted it to look approachable, I also wanted it to look assertive when we go to matches and competitions. After all, otters are known for their athleticism,” he quipped.  

Even the name OTi cleverly captures SIT’s values and spirit of innovation in an easy-to-remember manner. “It stands for Overcoming Through Innovation,” explained Sebastian. 

SIT Mascot, Senior Management

OTi's first photo with SIT's Senior Management and SITizens at the SIT Club Fair in August. Photo: SIT FYE PUMA team

Capturing the SIT Spirit 

Although OTi was his creation, Sebastian also sought comments from his family and friends at SIT. “As fellow SITizens, they are the best people to ask how well OTi represents SIT. Ultimately, I want to ensure that OTi is easily identifiable with SIT.”   

So, it was a pleasant surprise for Sebastian when the real-life version of OTi was unveiled at this year’s SIT Club Fair. “My first thought was: So cute, but a bit chubbier than I thought!” 

In Sebastian’s view, having a mascot will help strengthen SIT’s identity and be a rallying point for the SIT community to come together - precisely the rationale for the mascot design competition.  

“OTi is like a walking, talking physical embodiment of SIT. It will be quite cool to be able to point to OTi the mascot many years down the road and say: ‘I was the one who created it!’”

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