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SIT Empowers Caregivers of Patients with Pressure Injuries Through RemindMe App

A new RemindMe app, developed by SIT and SGH, equips caregivers with resources to care for patients with pressure injuries at home.


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From Hospital to Classroom: SingHealth Adjunct Faculty Inject Real-World Expertise into SIT's Healthcare Programmes

Experts from SingHealth bring real-world experience into SIT's healthcare programmes, empowering the next generation of healthcare professionals.

SKH Nurse Amanda

Nursing in the New Age

Senior Staff Nurse Amanda Tan Wan Er, embodies the qualities that define nurses' indispensable roles in serving the community.


From Student to Professor: A Remarkable Nursing Journey

The dynamic Dr. Sheena Ramazanu, 33, is a trailblazer in today’s global healthcare landscape.

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SIT Introduces Innovative Healthcare and Engineering Programmes to Groom the Next Generation of Future-Ready Talents in Key Sectors

The Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) is launching new programmes in Health Sciences and Engineering in Academic Year 2024 (AY2024).


Celebrating Two Centuries of Nursing Care

SIT continued with its tradition of celebrating Nurses' Day in early August. However, this year's festivities were de-centralised and taken online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The ...

How Nursing Education Is Adapting to the New Normal

Southeast Asia has a nursing shortage, and one of the lowest graduation rates of new professionals, according to a new World Health Organisation report. The region has fewer than ...


SIT celebrates the graduation of pioneer Engineering and InfoComm Technology Cohorts

– The Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) kicked off three days of graduation celebration for the Class of 2018 today.