Professional Officers
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Lab Culture: Raising the Next Generation With An Innovative Mindset
From aiding Singapore's pandemic response with groundbreaking PCR test development, former research scientist Dr John Goh now nurtures future pharmaceutical and chemical engineers as a Lead Professional Officer at SIT.

Equipping Students with Practical Knowledge
Part of Dr Quah Chee Kwang’s role as a Lead Professional Officer at SIT involves working closely with industry partners to develop innovation projects that he hopes will one day make an impact beyond our shores.

Relating Academia to Real Life
Deborah Lim was a seasoned practitioner in the hotel industry before she joined SIT as a Professional Officer in 2018. These days, she helps SITizens in the Hospitality Business ...

Inspiring Students With His Passion for Sport Science
Khen Kee Wei has always been a believer and advocate of lifelong learning. He recently made the switch from Professional Officer to Associate Faculty at SIT after taking on the ...