SIT Expert Spotlight



Lessons from CXO Summit 2018

In its third year, the CXO Lean Summit 2018 held on 24 April showcased some success stories from industry practitioners who engaged the services of the Lean Transformation Innovation Centre (LTIC) at SIT.


Teaching Lean to secure the future of Singapore healthcare

In 2000, the World Health Organization ranked Singapore’s healthcare system as number 6 in the world. In 2014, Bloomberg deemed it the most efficient in the world; the following ...


Grooming Well-Trained IT Professionals

Information Technology (IT) is an integral part of our lives. Almost everyone we meet owns at least one smart device. More businesses are also increasing their IT usage to smoothen ...


Purposeful engagement

Occupational Therapy (OT) may be broad in its scope of practice but must remain purposeful, say the OT practitioners at St. Andrew’s Community Hospital. The profession of ...

Pay it forward

By Assistant Professor, Zhou Yi As a new citizen of this country, I am very thankful to Mr Lee Kuan Yew – not only because he started the SM3 program which brought me here and gave ...

The portrait of a founding father

When I heard that Mr Lee Kuan Yew had breathed his last, I wasn’t shocked – the Prime Minister’ s Office had almost prepared us over the last few days with almost daily updates.

Bright minds and big prizes

Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT)’s brightest minds clinched several prizes in two nationwide competitions in Singapore