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Bedrock skills

It was not by mere chance that two SIT alumni found immediate employment upon graduation. We speak with the two to find out more about their career jumpstart at water solutions conglomerate, Hyflux.

‘Tales of the City’ from San Francisco

So here I was, on my day off, writing from a square white box on Broadway Street which I now call home in one of the hippest cities in the US – San Francisco. After spending two ...


SIT New Alumni Welcome Party 2014

The event was held at Hard Rock Café on 28 November, gathering together the newly-minted SIT graduates from the university’s overseas partners: Newcastle University, Technical University of Munich, University of Glasgow (UoG), DigiPen Institute of Technol

The finish line

There were plenty of heartfelt felicitations and positive affirmations at one of the most highly anticipated events of the year at SIT

The fruits of experimentation

It was a showcase of some of SIT’s best engineering talents at X-periment! , a three-day science and technology carnival, which kicked off the 14th instalment of the annual ...

A peek into pandora’s box

Pandora Wong, who graduated from SIT-Glasgow School of Art (GSA) with a BA (Hons) in Communication Design earlier this year, has been consistently endorsed by Singapore’s ...

Felicitations to SIT Class of 2014

It was a sea of caps and gowns amidst a multitude of colours at Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT)’s first graduation ceremony of the year