Applied Research & Innovation

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Equipping Students with Practical Knowledge

Part of Dr Quah Chee Kwang’s role as a Lead Professional Officer at SIT involves working closely with industry partners to develop innovation projects that he hopes will one day make an impact beyond our shores.

Building Career Futures One Step at a Time with Micro-credentials

SIT partners with NCS, Singtel, Singapore Computer Society and three polytechnics to boost upskilling efforts in ICT sector for working adults.

Building a New Generation of Women in STEM with SIT

For years, educators, parents, and business leaders have been talking about the importance of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).

Charting a Way Forward for ‘Immersification’

The Centre for Immersification at SIT held its inaugural Immersions event on 21 October 2022, in conjunction with the 21st IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented ...

Where Do the Possibilities for the Metaverse Lie for Singapore?

The metaverse can remove the barriers of physical distance, and allow us to remotely, but dynamically, interact with people from other countries.

DOSIS Project: Deepening Applied Research Collaboration

A three-year applied research project between SIT and a Finnish university surmounted pandemic challenges and turned into a long-term partnership.

First-hand Experience in Machine Vision

In this final instalment of a three-part series, we put the spotlight on a SITizen who made a remarkable contribution to his IWSP company through machine vision technology.

Keeping the Smartest Birds at Bay through Innovative Solutions

The SIT-Polytechnic Innovation Centre of Excellence (SPICE), one of four innovation centres within InnoHub, hosted its first industry knowledge sharing session on 14 October 2022 ...

T-Up Eagles Awards: Improvising Manufacturing Processes

SITizens created value for their IWSP companies by optimising and automating workflow processes.

Driving Sustainable Transformation in Non-Profit Sector

3P partnership to bolster service, data, and process transformation to address current and future needs of sector.