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Keeping SIT Campuses Safe and Ready for the New AY

Starting today, Trimester 1 of the new academic year 2020/21 will be in full swing! Following several months of home-based learning and controlled access to the campus, SIT is ...

Building a Green Campus and Curriculum

An illustration of SIT's future centralised campus in Punggol.

Delivering quality education as Covid-19 continues

As the mid-trimester break rolled around, academic staff at the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) were busier than ever. The clock was ticking — they had just 10 days to move ...

Safe Re-opening of SIT Campuses

The Multi-Ministry Taskforce has announced that Singapore will exit the Circuit Breaker period in a careful and calibrated manner from 1 June, and embark on a controlled approach to resume activities safely over three phases.

Everything you need to know about Singapore's fifth autonomous university

Everything you need to know about Singapore's fifth autonomous university

Temporary Closure of SIT Campuses

The Multi-Ministry Taskforce announced on 3 April 2020 that Singapore will implement elevated safe distancing measures as a circuit breaker in view of the increasing number of ...

1st confirmed case of COVID-19 in SIT

The Ministry of Health has confirmed that a Year 3 Telematics student, based in SIT@Dover campus, has tested positive for COVID-19 on the afternoon of 20 February.


A Smart Campus to Call Home – SIT Begins Construction of Centralised Campus in Punggol with Groundbreaking Ceremony

The Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) will commence construction works for its centralised campus in Punggol after the groundbreaking ceremony on 10 September 2019, officiated by Guest-of-Honour, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.

Ho Bee Land Limited makes $3.25m endowed donations to SIT

1 July 2019 – Ho Bee Land Limited has made endowed gifts totalling $3.25 million to the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT). These are the first gifts that SIT has received for ...

SIT Dover

Strengthening of Leadership Bench - Appointment of Deputy President (Academic) & Provost

SIT is pleased to announce the appointment of Professor Chua Kee Chaing as Deputy President (Academic) and Provost with effect from 1 September 2019.