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JTC and SIT Establish the ‘PDD Living Lab Programme’
The programme serves as a framework for collaboration between partners to scale smart solutions, with several MOUs inked with UOB, TMCC, Wanxiang Blockchain and its partners, and dConstruct Robotics.

Smart Collaborations in Cyber Security and Robotics
On 28 July 2021, JTC announced that four companies will be setting up at the Punggol Digital District (PDD), two of which are collaborating with SIT in the areas of cyber security ...

SIT @ PDD: Nurturing Talent at the Heart of Singapore’s Technology Sector
Being a university in the heart of a smart business district, SIT’s centralised campus will play an integral role in facilitating innovation, research and development.

A Smart Campus to Call Home – SIT Begins Construction of Centralised Campus in Punggol with Groundbreaking Ceremony
The Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) will commence construction works for its centralised campus in Punggol after the groundbreaking ceremony on 10 September 2019, officiated by Guest-of-Honour, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.