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Stroke patient

This Behavioural Map Sheds New Light on Stroke Patients’ Physical Activity

The comprehensive study, which assesses the quality of stroke survivors’ physical activity, offers insights into how factors such as fatigue, sleep and social interaction can impact the quality of life and care for these patients.


Physical activities

MOTIVATE: Empowering Stroke Survivors to Stay Physically Active

Co-designed with stroke survivors, MOTIVATE is a multisector collaborative initiative for stroke recovery led by the Singapore Institute of Technology

AProf Tan Bhing Leet

Helping Mental Health Patients Lead Meaningful Lives

Cognitive remediation expert A/Prof Tan Bhing Leet was recently awarded the 2023 Connie Lieber Science to Practice Award for Cognitive Remediation in Psychiatry.

Cesar Harada

Servant of the Seas

Associate Professor Cesar Jung-Harada immerses the public in ocean technology with a residency at ArtScience Museum.

Building Effective Supervisors among Occupational Therapists

Fuelled by the desire to support allied health professionals, Associate Professor Karina Dancza from the Health and Social Sciences Cluster drew on her experience as an ...

Decarbonisation and Energy Resilience for the Built Environment

Climate change and depleting natural resources have pushed the energy sector, both globally and in Singapore, to embrace more sustainable technologies and practices.

Deepening Clinical Expertise through Upskilling

Armed with a Postgraduate Diploma in Sonography, Florence Tan is ready for advanced clinical practice and leadership. 

Say Hi to the Robot Man

He’s a thinker. He’s a tinkerer.

Novel Membranes for Better Wastewater Treatment

A collaboration between the Singapore Institute of Technology and local startup SideStroem Water Technologies to optimise lab-scale nanofiltration-type forward osmosis membranes ...

Overcoming the Barrier to Learning

Is learning new skills still relevant after 40? This was the question Resendos faced while contemplating taking up a postgraduate certificate course at SIT. His decision to constantly upskill himself shaped his entrepreneurial journey.