


DOSIS Project: Deepening Applied Research Collaboration

A three-year applied research project between SIT and a Finnish university surmounted pandemic challenges and turned into a long-term partnership.

Optimising Female Fertility with Dietetic Intervention

A nutritional screening tool, developed by Associate Professor Claire Pettitt from the Health and Social Sciences cluster, could help women optimise their nutritional intake to boost their fertility.

Giving Patients Hope with Rehabilitation Robotics

One day, stroke survivors and persons with disabilities may be able to experience rehabilitation robotics therapy in the comfort of their own homes.

Connecting Students to the Community

Two SIT Faculty have been newly elected to lead the Council of the Singapore Association of Occupational Therapists.

Educators Who Inspire a Growth Mindset

The annual SIT Teaching Excellence Award is presented to outstanding faculty members who have gone above and beyond their roles as educators.

How Higher Learning Institutions Are Transforming Industries through Design Thinking

Design innovation leaders from Design Factory@Singapore Institute of Technology (DF@SIT) explain the importance of design thinking and how tertiary education institutions have ...

World’s First Made-for-Asians Prebiotics Created from Leftover Kale Stems

SIT and AMILI team up to develop and optimise kale stem powder as a prebiotic to help improve digestive health for Asians. In a first-of-its-kind programme, the Singapore Institute ...

Sound Therapy and Binaural Beats

Does music have the power to heal the mind and body? Whether you have experienced sound therapy or not, it is not hard to believe that soothing music or sounds have a positive impact on our well-being.

Advocating for Excellence in Engineering Education

Professor Lock Kai Sang’s illustrious teaching and professional career spans four decades. He is currently a faculty in the Engineering cluster and Head of the Energy Efficiency ...

Creating Healthcare Solutions through Biodesign

SIT is giving students a leg-up into the MedTech industry by equipping them with valuable skills in Biodesign. The Singapore Biodesign Faculty Fellowship Programme is a part-time ...