


The fruits of experimentation

It was a showcase of some of SIT’s best engineering talents at X-periment! , a three-day science and technology carnival, which kicked off the 14th instalment of the annual ...

A peek into pandora’s box

Pandora Wong, who graduated from SIT-Glasgow School of Art (GSA) with a BA (Hons) in Communication Design earlier this year, has been consistently endorsed by Singapore’s ...

The game changers

Four SIT-Newcastle students rose to the occasion and bagged the top prize at ‘Changing the Game’, a role-playing contest that simulates energy policy-making.

Getting “Glasgowed Out”

The evocative skirls of the Great Highland bagpipes rang through the halls of Temasek Polytechnic Auditorum 3  as the first cohort of GSA Singapore students

New pathways for post-secondary education

A heavy afternoon downpour did little to dampen the excitement of visiting DigiPen Institute of Technology Singapore (DigiPen Singapore)

SIT and The Glasgow School of Art Celebrate First Graduating Cohort

Fresh from their groundbreaking inaugural Degree Show 2014 at the newly-opened SIT@TP (Singapore Institute of Technology @ Temasek Polytechnic) building, the first cohort of honours students to graduate from The Glasgow School of Art (GSA) in partnership

Felicitations to SIT Class of 2014

It was a sea of caps and gowns amidst a multitude of colours at Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT)’s first graduation ceremony of the year

SIT Celebrates: SIT Graduation May 2014

The Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) celebrates the graduation of students from Technische Universität München (TUM), DigiPen Institute of Technology (DP), and University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV).

SIT’s ICT programme bolstered by CSA partnership

SINGAPORE, 1 April – Through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) , students from the Singapore Institute of Technology’s (SIT) Information and ...

SIT Dover

SIT Expands Degree Offerings with Trinity College Dublin in Diagnostic Radiography and Radiation Therapy

The Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) has announced plans to expand its degree offerings with current overseas university partner Trinity College Dublin the University of Dublin.